Tektite connects to the energies of Aries, Cancer, and Sagittarius. Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, is known for its courage, determination, and leadership qualities. Tektite, with its Martian connection, can further bolster the Aries’ innate drive and ambition.
Tektite’s cosmic energy, promoting spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the universe. This can lead to heightened awareness and understanding of our place in the cosmic fabric, it attracts synchronicities into your lifeaids in spiritual awakeningassists with spiritual transformationhelps to perceive messages from the spiritual realmsaids in releasing old mental patternspurifies the Heart Chakrahelps to awaken clairvoyancefacilitates the connection with spirit guidesaids in awakening the Kundalini energy
Focus and Concentration
Tektite’s grounding energy clears mental fog, promoting sharper focus and concentration.
Keep a Tektite stone on your work desk or study area.
Erases Fear and Anxiety
Working with Tektites absorbs negative energies and soothes fear and anxiety, is a powerful manifestation tool, helping bring intentions into reality.
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